Category: New Season

Special Encore Presentation: Episode 56: All In The Family, Part 01

As a way to pay tribute to recently passed television producer Norman Lear (1922-2023), this week join Steve and Jonathan as they discuss the groundbreaking US sitcom, All In The Family. Why it worked, in what ways is it a product of the 1970s and in what ways is it timeless? We’ll even tip-toe toward whether the show could be re-done today to address our newest president…

Thanksgiving Day Special: Encore Presentation of Our Very First Episode: Introducing TV at the 1939 World’s Fair

Copyright: Robert Schuldenfrei

In this episode Andrew, Steve, and Jonathan discuss David Sarnoff’s introduction of television for RCA at the 1939 World’s Fair at Flushing Meadows NY. Tune in to listen to this story about hope, the future, and looking for the “World of Tomorrow” during a time between economic depression and the cusp of world war. You might just learn something and have a few laughs along the way. Be sure to check out some of the historical photographs and documents embedded in this episode’s post.

Episode 103: DuMont Plus

Inspired by a real Jeopardy episode’s jokey category title, this week Jonathan and Steve discuss a hypothetical: what if The DuMont Network had survived past 1956? What would the channel have presented? Would we associate the NFL and DuMont like peanut and jelly? If it did survive for decades, what would its streaming service be showing us today?

Episode 101: Binge-Watching with Emil Steiner

Two years later, Dr. Emil Steiner (Rowan University) returns to the program to discuss binge-watching with Jonathan and Steve. Whereas last time we primarily discussed sports documentaries, this time it is today’s popular mode of viewership, binge-watching – which is also the subject of Dr. Steiner’s new book Binge TV: The Rise and Impact of the Viewing Revolution (McFarland).

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