Category: New Season

Episode 110: Dr. Kendall Phillips, Kolchak, The Night Stalker

This week join Jonathan in conversation with Dr. Kendall Phillips about his recent book, Kolchak, The Night Stalker, a part of Wayne State University Press’s Milestones series. Don’t worry, Steve Voorhees is here too to comment on our conversation that includes ideas including: “Where was horror at in the U.S. by the late 1960s / early 1970s?”, Kolchak’s trio of creatives behind the scenes, Kolchak as an influential gothic investigator, and would Kolchak show up these days on What We Do in the Shadows? Whether you’re a longtime Kolchak fan or brand-new to the character, we think there is something here for you during our conversation.

Episode 109: David J. Brokaw, The Twilight Zone – The Monsters on Maple Street

This week join Jonathan and Steve in conversation with fellow academic, David Brokaw to discuss his new book, Monsters on Maple Street: The Twilight Zone and the Postwar American Dream. We discuss the false dichotomy between “good writing” and “bad television” during the 1950s, the psychology of advertising within 1950s culture, the effect Rod Serling’s service during World War II had on his later writing, and where Twilight Zone-style social commentary can and can’t be found today.

Episode 108: Stan Zimmerman, The Girls: From Golden to Gilmore

This week join Steve and Jonathan in conversation with television writer and producer, Stan Zimmerman. Listen as Stan talks about writing for the first season of The Golden Girls, writing that VERY famous episode of Roseanne that got the country talking, and what it was like to work for his friend, Amy Sherman-Palladino, writing on Gilmore Girls. Stan also discusses what it takes to make it in a tough industry and how back-in-the-day, writers’ rooms weren’t as inclusive as you might have expected them to be – particularly on shows with inclusive reputations.

Special Encore Presentation: Episode 56: All In The Family, Part 01

As a way to pay tribute to recently passed television producer Norman Lear (1922-2023), this week join Steve and Jonathan as they discuss the groundbreaking US sitcom, All In The Family. Why it worked, in what ways is it a product of the 1970s and in what ways is it timeless? We’ll even tip-toe toward whether the show could be re-done today to address our newest president…

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