This week join Steve and Jonathan as they continue their discussion of the groundbreaking US sitcom, All In The Family. We discuss it’s transition from All In the Family to Archie Bunker’s Place, what other shows tried to fill the void, what shows today attempt to take on its themes, and whether the show could be re-done today to address our newest president…
Category: mini-episode
Mini-Episode 12: Politicians and Marathon TV Sessions
This week join Jonathan as he discusses a famous example of politicians using television for marathon “sales” pitches (for themselves) – Thomas E. Dewey’s 1950 usage of the then-new medium of television.
Mini-Episode 11: Female Protagonists and Vehicles
This week join Jonathan for a short topic on television female protagonists and when they’ve led or co-starred in a show that also featured a prominent vehicle. More importantly, why aren’t there more examples?
Mini-Episode 10: Podcasts and Radio History, 1922 & 2023
On this week’s mini-episode Jonathan discusses the current state of podcasts and how it connects to the pre-history of radio over one-hundred years ago.
Mini-Episode 09: Martin Short: A Case for Confidence
Join Jonathan as he weighs in on the recent argument that gained social media attention regarding how Martin Short is perceived by audiences.
Mini-Episode 08: Time-Life Music: Classical Thunder!
Tune-in and listen to a brief history of the Time-Life Music line of releases and hear Jonathan’s theory about how and why we got to one of the best Time-Life Music releases – if you consider the TV commercial – CLASSICAL THUNDER!
Mini-Episode 07: History of Workers in Hollywood
Jonathan discusses the current Hollywood labor strike and attempts to contextualize it through a historical lens.
Mini-Episode 06: The Jerry Lewis Show 1984?
How the heck did a 1950s comedy legend get a shot at usurping Johnny Carson some 23 years AFTER his career peak? Join Jonathan as he discusses the three incarnations of The Jerry Lewis Show and in particular the June 1984 5-episode test-run for the third, and final, incarnation.
Mini-Episode 05: Turn On!
Join Jonathan for an infamous TV show from 1969 that really should just be famous for being innovative, clever, surreal, with the good intention of trying to speak some truth to power. It is a short introduction / interpretation of Turn On! Episode 2.
Mini-Episode 04: The Bionic Dog
Jonathan plays catch…up with the idea of the 1970s’s The Bionic Dog. Join Jonathan as he discusses the silly wonderfulness that was this spin-off idea.
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